How to calculate net carbs

How to calculate net carbohydrates?


There is usually more on the label than total carbohydrates. Fiber, sugar, and alcohol are all listed under carbohydrates. calculate net carbs What do they mean, and which ones should you pay attention to so as not to exceed your daily carbohydrate limit?

The key to calculating your carb count is calculating the net carbs in a portion of food – the carbs in your food that affect your blood sugar.

Manufacturers came up with the term “net carbs” in the early 2000s when low-carb diets improved. But there is no official definition of net carbs, and the net carb count on labels can be misleading.

Net carbohydrates are the carbohydrates in the food that can be digested and used for energy.

As net carbohydrates, they generally only count starches and sugars; Most other types of carbohydrates have no energy value or impact on blood sugar, so you don’t count them toward your daily carbohydrate limit.

To calculate net carbs, take the total carbs in a food and subtract:

Fiber, a type of carbohydrate from plants that humans cannot process.


The basic formula for calculating net carbs is:

  • Net Carbs = Total Carbs – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols

However, not all sugar alcohols are truly carbohydrate-free. Some manufacturers selling low-carbohydrate foods will list important sugar alcohols, as if they are exempt from total carbohydrate count, to make products appear more low carb than they are.

On the other hand, manufacturers sometimes list sugar alcohols that do not affect blood sugar as ordinary carbohydrates, making the net carb counts appear higher.

So take the number of grams of sugar alcohol, divide it by 2, and add it to your carbohydrate count. For instance:

  • Net Carbs = Total Carbs – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols + (Maltitol / 2)


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Post Author: Amir