Tonsilloliths (also known as “tonsil stones” or “tonsil stones”) are small agglomerates of approximately 1-3 mm in size, of semi-solid consistency, and varying in color from white to yellowish. How to get rid of tonsil stones Located in correspondence with the pockets of the lingual tonsils or, more frequently, than the palatine ones.
These solid formations consist primarily of
- dead cells,
- bacteria,
- mucus,
- leukocytes,
- food residues,
- calcifications
They are responsible for bad breath and can expel in case of particularly violent sneezing.
It estimates that about 10% of the population is affected by the formation of tonsilloliths. The phenomenon mainly concerns young adults (rare is the finding in childhood. When the tonsils still have turgid mucous membranes and less pronounced cavities).
Diagnosis is based on clinical evidence.
In most cases, tonsilloliths tend to be asymptomatic and undergo spontaneous resolution; less commonly, it may be necessary to proceed with antibiotic treatment (especially in the presence of infections of the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract) or, in case they emanate an odor particularly unpleasant and are symptomatic, upon their removal.
The tonsils are lymphoglandular organs located in correspondence with the oral cavity; they subdivide into four large groups (pharyngeal or adenoid, tubal, palatine, and lingual tonsils) and have artifacts and depressions on the surface, known as tonsillar crypts. Necessary to expand the character of valuable tissue for filtering and defense.
Dead cells, mucus, saliva. How to get rid of tonsil stones And food remains can remain trapped in correspondence with these crypts ( cryptic tonsils ). Forming balls of calcified consistency, known as tonsilloliths. Which is a particularly favorable ground for bacterial proliferation with gas production and consequent appearance and persistence of halitosis.
This condition can be favorite by some predisposing factors, such as:
- Poor oral hygiene (favors the accumulation of substances in correspondence of the tonsillar crypts);
- Infections of the mouth or upper respiratory tract (the overproduction of mucus during infection can favor the proliferation of bacteria which act by decomposing mucus and food residues and producing sulfur-rich gases that cause halitosis);
- Tonsillitis and more general processes of chronic inflammation of the tonsils; the development of frequent episodes predisposes to the development of fibrosis in correspondence of the tonsillar crypts, a sort of fibrotic scars that contribute to the formation of tonsilloliths, facilitating the process of accumulation of bacteria and dead cells that occurs at the level of the crypts.
Symptoms How to get rid of tonsil stones
In most patients, the presence of tonsilloliths does not lead to the development of symptoms.
However, in the event of an increase in their size/quantity, they can favor the appearance of
- Halitosis: is the symptom that appears earlier in the case of tonsil stones; the presence of bad breath is generally related to the formation of deposits on the surface of the tonsils, with a high concentration of sulfides (sulfur-based gas of bacterial production).
- Sore throat: it is generally due to a process of inflammation of the tonsils or to the presence of the tonsilloliths themselves, which can cause pain or discomfort; for the same reason, it is often possible to observe an increase in the volume of the tonsils themselves;
- Otalgia: ear pain can be caused by irritation of the nerve fibers located in the area where the tonsils are located, also responsible for the transmission of impulses from the ear to the brain;
- Difficulty swallowing: if the tonsil stones reach large dimensions, primarily when they are located at the point of the passage of food, they can create clutter and cause the appearance of pain during the act of swallowing.
Remedies and treatment How to get rid of tonsil stones
In many cases, tonsilloliths only cause the appearance of bad breath and can undergo self-resolution (over time, they tend to detach and digest following normal swallowing), not requiring any specific treatment.
For some patients, it is possible to manually remove the tonsilloliths using tweezers, brushes, or moistened cotton buds, carrying out the operation very gently to avoid possible bleeding caused by the laceration of the tonsillar tissue. It recommends process independently only if trained explicitly by your doctor.
Furthermore, where possible, the doctor could proceed with a squeezing. Carried out with specific maneuvers, aimed at favoring the escape of the stone from the tonsillar crypt (for example. By exerting pressure against the bottom of the tonsil and pressing upwards. Thus facilitating the expulsion of stones).
Antibiotic drugs can administer, especially in the case of bacterial tonsillitis. It was possibly associated with the execution of gargling with hot saltwater. To help reduce the discomfort felt local and facilitate the dislocation of the stone from the site in which it locates.
Finally, the surgical treatment involves the execution of cryptanalysis to permanently eliminate the crypts in which the stones neste or a laser cryptanalysis operation. A technique by which, through the laser. The edges of the tonsil crypts modify. How to get rid of tonsil stones To avoid the accumulation of residues that can favor the formation of stones.
Tonsillectomy surgery. By which the palatine tonsils remove. Is currently reserved for patients suffering from recurrent tonsillitis or particularly symptomatic tonsil stones.
Prevention How to get rid of tonsil stones
To avoid the recurring formation of tonsil stones, it is a good idea to:
- Adopt habits that allow adequate oral hygiene, through daily brushing of teeth and tongue;
- Not smoking;
- Drink enough water throughout the day;
- Gargling with warm saltwater.
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