How to turn off windows defender

[Windows 10] Disable Windows Defender permanently

Windows Defender is built into Windows 10, but you can disable it in the GUI, registry, or Group Policy.

If you have third-party anti-malware software installed, Windows Defender’s functionality (antivirus) will most likely be disabled. Therefore, it seems that this method is unnecessary, but please check it by the following method.

If it is not disabled, you will need to disable it manually or automatically. That’s because it doesn’t seem to make much sense to have a double virus scan. Also,  puts a load on your PC, so you need to disable it to reduce the load.

If anti-malware software install

  1. Click Security Overview.
  2. From Settings, click Windows Security – Open Windows Security.
  3. Click Virus and threat protection.
  4. If third-party anti-malware software is installed, [No action required] is displayed.

What is Windows Defender in the first place?

Windows Defender is security software developed by Microsoft. It runs on Windows and mainly has the function of protection from malware.

Because many PC users do not install security software, it seems that Windows Defender installs as standard as a function to protect the PC from viruses, spyware, ransomware, etc., from Windows 8.

In addition, Windows Defender has the following functions.


  • Virus threat prevention
  • Device performance and health
  • Firewall and network protection
  • App and browser controls
  • Family options

Why disable Windows Defender

It says that this Windows Defender sufficient for security protection, but there are times when you do not want to use the security function.

For example, when operating a stand-alone PC that does not communicate with the network or execute a task, it falsely detected, and you want to stop Windows Defender.

So here’s a summary of how to temporarily disable or permanently disable.

  • Disable with Windows Security:  When the GPO applies. I think it’s a temporary measure.
  • Disable in the registry: Temporarily or permanently disabled. Since group policy can do, I think it will change for each unit.
  • Disable in Group Policy: Temporarily or permanently disabled. It can manage collectively.

How to disable Windows Defender

Now let’s disable Windows Defender. Best outdoor tv antenna When the GPO applies. I think it will be a form to use one according to the purpose.

Disable with Windows Security

  1. The Click Security Overview.
  2. Click Virus and threat protection.
  3. Click Manage Settings.
  4. Turn off Real-time protection. That’s it.

Disable in registry

  1. Create a registry in the following registry key.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows Defender

Name: DisableAntiSpyware


Data: 1

  1. When the PC restart. settings such as real-time protection disabled. as shown below.

Disable in Group Policy

  1. Change the settings in the Group Policy Management Editor.

Location: Computer Configuration-Policy-Administrative Templates-Endpoint Protection

Setting value: Disable Endpoint Protection

  1. Click Enable.
  2. Apply the GPO to your computer’s OU and restart your PC to apply the policy. When the GPO applies. It will protect by the organization as follows: ] It will display.


That’s it. What do you think? Even if you have third-party anti-malware software installed. If Windows Defender features are not disabled.  How to format a hard drive It will put an extra load on your PC, so it is a good idea to disable it in such cases.


You may also want to disable this feature on a stand-alone PC connected to the network and does not use external storage. However, it recommends that you do not disable it easily but carefully understand the usage environment.

Thank you for reading to the end!

Post Author: Amir