The combination of two simple products, egg white, and sugar, gives rise to one of the most widely used pastry bases: meringue. THE THOUSAND USES OF MERINGUE. Thanks to its incredible versatility , it is used as a base for desserts or a crunchy element in cakes and spoon desserts.
The variants with which it is produced are 4: classic, Italian, French, and Swiss. In this article, we will analyze them in detail. We will explain how to make meringues by illustrating preparation steps and techniques.
The classic meringue obtains by whipping one part of egg whites and two parts of granulated sugar, which must introduce by hand after the egg whites have reached the stage of firm snow. The characteristic of the egg white to form a stable foam depends on the peculiarities of its proteins: these are made up of a hydrophilic part, which turns towards the water, and a hydrophobic part, which is oriented towards the air.
Through the mechanical movement with which the egg white beat, it possible to incorporate the air, thus giving rise to the stability of this product towards water and air. THE THOUSAND USES OF MERINGUE. Continuing with this movement, more and more philosophy remains trapped. The introduction of sugar in this preparation allows denser and more stable foam, ensuring that the product increases less quickly in volume. At the same time, the addition of salt helps the formation of whipped egg white.
Compared to other types, the preparation of Italian meringue is different because it is not cooked in the oven: it is used as the basis of many cold spoon desserts ( chiboust, mousse, semifreddo ). In this meringue, as in the classic one, the proportions between the egg white and the sugar are 1 to 2. The difference in the preparation method: in fact, the sugar previously cooked at 121 ° C with a bit of water and then poured, still hot, flush on the albumen.
It is important to remember that it is vital to use egg whites at room temperature. And fresh to obtain a quality Italian meringue. In the planetary mixer (at medium speed), the egg white whippet with 1/5 of the sugar. In contrast, the remaining sugar cooks with a bit of water in a saucepan. Until a temperature of 121 ° C reach. When the egg whites are 3/4 of the way, the speed of the planetary mixer increase, and half the cooked sugar quickly added flush. After a few seconds, reduce the speed and add the remaining sugar. Thus bringing the speed of the planetary mixer. Back to a maximum of a couple of minutes to consolidate and incorporate—as much air as possible into the whipping.
Once the meringue has made, it must place in a pan. Taking care not to disperse the air it contains (so as not to make it disassemble). Covering it with food film and cooling it in a blast chiller. THE THOUSAND USES OF MERINGUE. This preparation method recommends if the Italian meringue use for making cakes or desserts. In contrast, if it use as a decorative element. It better to prepare it by slowly pouring the cooked sugar at once.
The French meringue from beating the egg whites with 1/3 of the global sugar at medium speed. When the mixture has doubled its volume, another third of the sugar must add and, once stability achieves with a firm whipping. The last third of the remaining sugar can add by hand, using a spatula. This method allows obtaining a more consistent whipping. That will reach a more significant volume after cooking than the other methods.
The preparation of the Swiss meringue involves inserting the egg whites and sugar (of the same weight) into a saucepan. After which, stirring constantly, the trial slowly heated up to a temperature of 60 ° C. The mixture then transferred to a planetary mixer, and, with medium speed, the meringue whipped.
This method allows the egg white to heat without protein coagulation achieve. Thus allowing the sugar to dissolve more easily and making the heat give rise to a firmer and firmer meringue. THE THOUSAND USES OF MERINGUE. At the end of the process, the remaining part of sugar is added by hand, in the proportion of 1 to 2 ( while in the initial heating phase the sugar and the egg white were in equal parts ). You can use icing sugar if you want to make a smoother and more compact meringue.
The final stabilization of the whipped meringue occurs due to the effect of heat. Thanks to which we observe two phenomena:
- At first the air bubbles incorporated in the preparation become more extensive. Causing an increase in the overall volume of the mass.
- Then the proteins coagulate , making the structure stable
In conclusion, it is essential to underline that the meringues. Do not undergo actual cooking but are subject only to a complete drying.
And how will you use our tips on how to make meringues ? To decorate a tart, prepare a parfait to accompany them with a bit of chocolate. As in the recipe for this delicious meringue ?
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