Mosquitoes develop particularly well in warm and humid weather. Many people care not to have lights on when the windows and doors are open at dusk or in the dark. But it is not the light that attracts the animals, but the smell of people. In this article, we read about How to get rid of fungus gnats?
Human smells attract mosquitoes.
In their search for blood, the female mosquitoes use the smell of sweat as a guide, in addition to perfume and other fragrances. They are also attracted by carbon dioxide: This is contained in stale air and makes protection from animals particularly difficult.
Cover the smell with mosquito repellent
Before going to bed or an evening outside, showering with fragrance-free products can help get rid of any sweat odor. Insect sprays with the active ingredients diethyltoluamide (DEET) and icaridin can also help. They are applied to the skin and mask the human odor for a few hours. However, the substances are suspected of polluting the environment.
Natural alternatives such as essential oils made from citrus fruits, lavender, eucalyptus, or cedarwood help only for a short time if they are applied directly to the skin. Insensitive people, however, can irritate the skin.
Protection by light-colored clothing and tightly woven fabrics
Long sleeves and trouser legs make it difficult for mosquitoes to find food, but they do not offer complete protection. Thin fabrics and coarse-meshed textiles cannot stop mosquitoes. They are no obstacle for the bloodsucker trunk. They also crawl into wide trouser legs or sleeves to get rid of fungus gnats. Tightly woven fabrics are better, but it is not the product of choice for everyone at high temperatures. We recommend clothing in light colors.
Close-meshed nets in the window frame and a mosquito net over the bed and stroller offer adequate protection against mosquitos. When on vacation, a fine net can be attached to the window with adhesive tape.
Repel mosquitoes with plants and scented candles
The scent of certain plants has a deterrent effect on mosquitoes. They can help prevent stings. A planted balcony box in front of the window or a few pots directly on the window sill can keep the animals away. Tomatoes, lavender, catnip, thyme, and basil are suitable for this. There also scented candles with essential oils in stores to keep mosquitoes away. You can easily make such a mosquito repellent yourself. The easiest way is to use two different-sized heat-resistant vessels that fit nicely into one another.
For example, fresh rosemary and lemon verbena placed on the bottom of the larger one. Place a candle in the smaller vessel. If this lit, the heat ensures that an intense smell develops. A typical home remedy is a clove-studded lemon. It also supposed to drive away from the mosquitoes.
Avoid standing water
Water, for example, in rain barrels, is an invitation to mosquitoes. There they lay their eggs and multiply quickly. So water points should cover. The eggs can lie dry for several years and develop as soon as they get enough moisture.
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