How to stop snoring

How to stop snoring?

At night, f you start hearing an unbearable and horrible sound that increases with time and thus you cant sleep and upsets your mind. You dont want to hear it and cover your ears with fellows or earbuds to get rid of this horrible snoring sound.  In the following article, we get to know about How to stop snoring? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

Snoring is the most common problem that many of us face, and that is because of the nasal pathogen. Because of it, we can breathe from the nasal cavities and start snoring. It dont affects us, but it can be not easy to sleep with who is sharing the bed or room with us and maybe the whole house. And if you are constantly hearing complaints about snoring, we are here to give you the solution of how to stop snoring with a few tips.

Causes of snoring

If you think that snoring is a miracle cure, you are wrong. It can cure snoring with medication and tricks, but it’s not sure that it is completely cured. It can happen again after the proper treatment. So it’s essential to detect why you snore and the remedy that helps reduce and prevent you from snoring regularly.

The main reason for snoring is the problem of air circulation, but it can also occur because of many reasons, so it’s a good option to go to your doctor to know the reason for snoring.

There we are a list of common causes of snoring:

Being overweight

Yes! Your weight can cause snoring because the excess tissues give a small narrow area to pass the air from the nasal cavity, and we start snoring.

Blocked nose

Because of cold and infection, our nose is blocked, and thus we can’t breathe properly from the nose and start breathing from the mouth.


When the air pass from the throat and because of the tonsil, it’s difficult to pass and thus makes a vibration that causes snoring.

Consuming drugs

When many people consume drugs by drinking alcohol, tobacco, or smoking, the muscles start relaxing, and thus it’s difficult to pass the air from the throat, causing snoring.

Nasal polyps

There are masses found in paranasal sinuses due to the inflammation, swelling, irritation caused by asthma, or other respiratory diseases that block the area from pas the air and thus start snoring.

Loose muscles

With the weight gaining and age, our muscles start losing, especially in the neck and mouth area, and we start snoring.

Swelling of the palate or uvula 

These disorders can make these areas longer, making it difficult for air to pass through.

Tricks to avoid snoring 

Here are a few tricks if you make them your habit, you can avoid snoring.

Sleep on your side

The face-up side of sleeping leads the tongue to the throat side that narrows air passage. That is why it’s essential to sleep on the sides that give you and your bed partner a silent sleep. To follow this trick, you can sew a softball on the back of your trouser so that you cant sleep on your back. You can also put the billow on your back that dont allow you to change your side.

Quit smoking

Smoking causes inflammation and irritation in the airways that can cause smoking. So quit smoking to avoid snoring as well as many other respiratory diseases.

Lose weight 

If you face obesity, your nutritionist needs to take a diet plan and start gym training to maintain your body weight, ending the extra mass that is a barrier to the air passage.

Relieves heartburn

Heart relief allows your breathing to be noisy and can cause snoring since it interferes with the air passage. So use natural products and vegetables that contain anti-inflammation properties.

Nosepads and earplugs

The nose pads are available in all market shops and pharmacies used to reduce snoring. Sometimes you may have a less snoring problem, so you can find relief in this way. 

Similarly, if you share your bed or room with someone, this is for them. They use earplugs to avoid snoring noise. 

An operation to stop snoring.

Once again, we recommend that you visit a specialist if the snoring is very strong and frequent since this prevents proper rest and adequate brain oxygenation. All this influences your performance and energy during the day and affects the relationship if you share a bed.

In addition, the doctor will tell you what is best in your case since there are medications to stop snoring that are very effective in some cases. In addition, the use of stop snoring devices in cases of sleep apnea and similar disorders is also common, but only a doctor can recommend them.

The doctor may also tell you if you need an operation to stop snoring. It is a surgical intervention in the respiratory tract in which the patient has the problem since it can occur in the septum of the nose, nostrils, larynx, etc. But, this surgical treatment is done when the patient’s health is greatly affected and in cases where surgery is possible without risk.

Remedies to stop snoring

Green teas

Consuming green tea is a good way to relieve many problems. Green tea has anti-inflaming and anti-bacterial properties that prevent heartburn and help reduce our weight, and are good for digestion. So if you prevent all these problems, you can get rid of snoring, so consume different green teas like lemon, ginger, jasmine, nettle, etc.

Mint or peppermint

 This plant will help you with snoring related to respiratory conditions. It provides softening properties to reduce the symptoms accompanying many diseases, such as asthma or pharyngitis. You can use it in various ways, prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of dry mint and drink 2 cups a day, or gargle before going to sleep by adding a drop of essential oil of mint to a glass of water. Don’t swallow the water.

Also read: how to concentrate on studies.

Post Author: Amir