More or less deep, a wound can happen to ourselves or others: here’s what to know about how to stop the blood and all the valuable tips. In this article, we read about How to stop bleeding?
We might have asked ourselves this at least once, even at the level of a philosophical dilemma: how to stop the blood? But it’s not just about mental abstraction because, in everyday life, you may get hurt and bleed or see someone else bleed.
It happens more often than we happen to remember. Sometimes, cuts and wounds appear negligible to us (that does not mean that they do not have to be appropriately cleaned and disinfected): it can happen when you shave with a razor while you are using a knife in the kitchen when you peel a knee. When you fall, when talking or eating, you bite your tongue or when you lose a nosebleed during pregnancy, and so on.
What is there to know?
Meanwhile, we must ban the fears of rescuing an injured person. There is no risk of disease transmission unless we have open wounds. But there are ways to be 100% safe, such as resorting to disposable latex gloves and deep cleaning with disinfection after first aid. For everything else, there are precise procedures.
The most dangerous parts of the body for injuries
The most dangerous wounds are those affecting the arteries. When a street is hit, the leaking blood is bright red, and its rhythm is synchronized with the heartbeat. Hemorrhages affecting the arterial passages can be fatal unless they are superficial.
Of course, the situation becomes even riskier if the injured person takes anticoagulants because it takes longer to stop the bleeding. However, some of these people wear a bracelet that shows the drugs they are currently taking.
The most dangerous wounds are those affecting the arteries. The leaking blood is bright red when a route is hit, and its rhythm is synchronized with the heartbeat. Hemorrhages affecting the arterial passages can be fatal unless they are superficial.
Of course, the situation becomes even riskier if the injured person takes anticoagulants because it takes longer to stop the bleeding. However, some of these people wear a bracelet that shows the drugs they are currently taking.
- it is necessary for the bleeding subject to keep his head slightly bent forward; if you hold it back, you risk swallowing blood resulting in nausea and vomiting;
- it is essential to close the tip of the nose between the index finger and thumb;
- do not apply ice, and do not use handkerchiefs or cotton wool. In the latter case, cotton and paper would form crusts. And removing them would resume the flow of blood to the outside.
How to stop blood from a cut on the tongue?
Of course, if the cut is deep, it is best to go to the hospital for suturing (this applies to any amount on the body, actually). Still, if it is superficial, it is believed that you should compress the wound with gauze and then apply ice. . The next day, we need some rinses. Contact your family doctor to find out more.
How to stop the blood from a small cut in the skin
A trim and not very deep cut on the skin is treated very quickly. The wound should be cleaned with cold water and disinfectant, then compressing the amount with gauze. When the blood stops flowing, the injury can be covered with a plaster.
What to do if the blood loss does not stop?
If the blood does not stop after compression of 20/30 seconds, call 911 as soon as possible, trying to continue to compress the wound and perhaps prevent the blood of the artery connected with a tourniquet.
It is challenging for each of us to have a tourniquet with him: however, a belt, a tie, shoelaces, and bra can be used alternatively. Be warned, though: if you notice rapid blood absorption through clothing, be aware that the situation is potentially lethal.
Apply pressure to the point where the blood comes out – doctor Christopher B. Colwell, who spoke at the Columbine High School and the Aurora cinema killing, told the New York Times. You may need to remove or tear some of the victim’s clothing to access the injury. Take a shirt, a towel, a fabric bag: it doesn’t have to be clean. Place the cloth over the wound and push down continuously and forcefully with both hands until the bleeding stops.
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